One arm pull up door Bram Nooij | jan 10, 2021 | Niet gecategoriseerd Training Inhoud 41: Supinated isometric hang at extension 40: Pronated isometric hang at extension 39: Bodyweight row chest to bar supinated 38: Supinated isometric hang at flexion 37: Supinated isometric hang at flexion 36: Pronated isometric hang at flexion 35: Pronated isometric hang at flexion 34: Supinated slow excentrics 33: Pronated slow excentrics 32: Pronated slow excentrics 31: Supinated chin up 30: Supinated chin up 29: Pronated chin up 28: Pronated chin up 27: One arm bodyweight row 26: One arm bodyweight row 25: Supinated pull ups chest to bar 24: Supinated pull ups chest to bar 23: Pronated pull ups chest to bar 22: Pronated pull ups chest to bar 1 of 3